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学习:202 次 更新时间:2023-10-10 16:40:08

“世界东方,才俊汇聚”!中国轻工工艺品进出口商会会员单位,长沙东汇进出口贸易有限公司坐落在中国长沙,与珠三角和长三角地区交通非常便利。公司主要经营各类纸张文具、体育用品、礼品和家居用品的出口业务,始终奉行“诚信至上”的经营原则,努力开拓,灵活经营,广泛开展综合性进出口贸易、加工 贸易、易货贸易、进出口代理等国际贸易业务,使公司进出口业务得到了迅速发展,进出口额每年都有大幅度增加,形成了多门类、多品种的经营格局。公司已与 50多个国家和地区的客户建立了良好稳定的贸易关系,目前主要客户分布在欧美、中南美、中东等地区,合作工厂通过了NIKE、KMART、TARGET等 国际大型跨国公司的验厂,产品质量优异。公司始终以信誉、质量、效益为中心,注重现代化企业制度建设,严格科学管理,管理层在进出口贸易行业有着超过10年的经验,运营风格稳健且年富力强。为了更好地发展进出口贸易,公司将进一步开拓国际市场,努力开发新产品,加快公司专业化、集团化的发展步伐。公司将继续以良好的信誉,优质的产品和完善的服务与您携手合作,共创事业辉煌。“Talent elite gathered in the east!”Changsha Heaplake Enterprises Co.,Ltd. is a unit of Import and Export Chamber of Commerce for Light Industry Arts & Crafts in China,it is located in Changsha,China,and have a very convient traffic with the region of the pearl river delta and Yangtze River Delta.The main business for our company contains stationery,products for sporting,gift, wall decoration and furniture. We have aways carried out the good faith to the supreme principle in our management, In addition, we strive to open innovation, and developing wider kinds of comprehensive business for international, Including the import and export trade, processing trade, barter trade, import and export agent, etc. These measures make the business of our company has developed rapidly, each year have a great increase in our turnover, with it, our company formed a new management pattern for many categories and varieties. Our company has already build a good and stability relationship with more than 50 countries and regions. For now, our clients are widly distribute in America, Europe, central and South America, the Middle East and other areas. Our products have good quality,and has been passed through NIKE, KMART, TARGET and other large multinational company's inspection.Our company has always been to the quality、 credit、 benefits as the center, and construction of the modern enterprise system and strict scientific management. Our management all have a more than 10 years of experience in the trade, and the operation style are robust and energetic. In order to make the trade better, our company will further the explore international market and efforts to develop new products to speed up the pace of development of specialization, collectivization.In the future, our company will continue to good credit standing, high quality products and perfect service to cooperate with you to create a brilliant career.


拼音:dōng huì 繁体字:東匯


(1).向东汇流。《书·禹贡》:“南入于 江 ,东匯泽为 彭蠡 。”

(2).指我国货币与 日本 货币兑换比例。 茅盾 《子夜》三:“自然他还可以用 日本 干茧,但自从东汇飞涨以后, 日本 干茧进口尽管是免税,划算起来,却也不便宜。”

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