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2024-01-30 09:53:16
美[perɪdentəl]  英[perɪdentəl]
adj.  牙齿周围的;齿根膜的


  1. Objective:To investigate the existence an d localization of CGRP1 re ceptor in rat dental hard tissues and in peridental tissue. 目的:研究大鼠牙体、牙周组织中神经肽CGRP1受体的存在及其结合位点。
  2. Methods The proper cases were selected to be ligated with wire, pulp extirpation, peridental therapy and crown repair in conservative treatment. 方法选择合适病例,采用钢丝结扎,根管治疗和牙周治疗、全冠修复等多种方法,对磨牙纵折予以保守治疗。
  3. Conclusion Hypertension,fatty liver,pharyngitis,rhinitis,peridental diseases and high blood sugar have differently affected the health of the staffs and workers working on offshore drilling platforms. 结论发现高血压、脂肪肝、咽炎、鼻炎、牙周病及高血糖等已不同程度对海上工作人员的健康构成影响。
  4. of them are dirty in their oral cavity,89.6% have dental calculus and 77.7% suffer from peridental disorders,being similar to the situation in healthy population. 其中51%25仍坚持以手掌持牙刷每日刷牙。口腔卫生不良者占80.;8%25;有牙垢和牙石者占89
  5. peridental abscess [医] 牙周脓肿