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2024-01-30 10:52:17
美[pərɪfərəli]  英[pərɪfərəli]
adv.  外围地;外面地


  1. in or at or near a periphery or according to a peripheral role or function or relationship


  1. Banks are only peripherally involved. 银行只是周边的参与者。
  2. No lymphocytes and plasmacytes were infiltrative peripherally. 周围无淋巴细胞和浆细胞浸润。
  3. A post may have several tags, many of which relate to it only peripherally. 一篇文章可以拥有几个类别,许多标签只是与文章存在外围联系。
  4. A set of electrical lines connected to the processor and all of the peripher als withwhich itcommunicates. 一个连接处理器与所有外设的,用来通讯的电子线路集。
  5. Methods labeled streptavidin biotin (LSAB)method with CMV monoclonal antibody was used to detect CMV antigen in peripher、al blood leukocytes. 方法采用抗CMV抗原的单克隆抗体,运用免疫组化链菌素-生物素标记法对外周血白细胞核中CMV抗原(即刻早期抗原和早期抗原)进行染色,诊断CMV感染。
  6. Objective :To compare of oxygen carrying capacity and mean cell age of RBCs of shed blood salvged from field and periph erythrocytes. 目的: 比较患者术中回收自体血与麻醉前外周静脉血红细胞携氧、氧供能力及平均年龄。