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2024-01-30 11:13:17
美[perɪˌspəm]  英[perɪspɜːm]
n.  [植]外胚乳( 亦泛指胚乳;包括内、 外胚乳)


  1. the nutritive tissue outside the sac containing the embryo in some seeds


  1. Embryo planospiral;perisperm scant, glutinous. 胚平面螺旋状外胚乳不够,黏。
  2. The perisperm cells with flat walls are full of starch grains. 外胚乳细胞壁平直,细胞内充满淀粉。
  3. Food materials may be stored in a special tissue derived from the nucellus, called the perisperm. 营养物质可以贮藏于由珠心产生的一种特殊组织,叫外胚乳。
  4. The perisperm cells are elongated rectangularity, squareshaped or polygon full of starch grains. 外胚乳细胞长条形、方形或多边形,细胞内充满淀粉;
  5. Seed red-brown, sublustrous, lenticular, 2-3 mm in diam.;perisperm farinaceous.Fl. 种子红棕色,近有光泽的,透镜状,2-3毫米直径;
  6. Anatomy and histochemistry of the seeds of Cautleya gracilis were studied in this paper.The results show that the seed of Cautleya gracilis comprises seed coat, perisperm, endosperm and embryo. 摘要距药姜种子解剖学和组织化学研究表明,种子包括种皮、外胚乳、内胚乳和胚。