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2024-01-30 11:51:17
美[ˌpɜːləkjuːʃənəri]  英[ˌpɜːləkjuːʃənəri]
adj.  [语][哲]言语表达效果的


  1. To activate thinking is the chief perlocutionary act effect searched by speech act in classroom questions. 激活思维是课堂提问的言语行为所要追求的最主要的言后之效。
  2. Perlocutionary act embodies a mental process: implicit (mental act) or explicit (act of behavior). 以言取效行为体现为心智行为过程:隐性的(心智行为)或显性的(有形行为)。
  3. The perlocutionary act----an act performed as a result of saying something: by saying X and doing Y, I did Z. 言后行为是由说某事或因为说某事而执行的动作;它是由话语所引起的后果或变化;是由说某事而执行的动作。
  4. According to Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. 英国哲学家奥斯汀提出,在说话时,说话人很可能同时实施三种言语行为,即言内行为,言外行为和言后行为。
  5. Meanwhile, Austin in this theory suggests three kinds of acts: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act, in which perlocutionary act is the least studied. 同时 ,奥斯汀在这个理论中设想了言语行为三分说 :话语行为、言外行为和言后行为。
  6. According to Austin (1962), any utterance comprises three speech acts: a locutionary act, an illocutionary act and a perlocutionary act. 根据澳斯汀(1962)和塞尔(1969)的言语行为三分法,当人们说一句话时同时实施了三个言语行为:即以言指事(言事)行为,以言行事(施事)行为和以言成事(成事)行为。