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2024-01-30 12:10:16
美[pəˌmɪsəbɪlətɪ]  英[pəˌmɪsəbɪlɪtɪ]
n.  允许;容许性


  1. admissibility as a consequence of being permitted


  1. A filter firewall use the addressing information contained in each request to determine the permissibility of an operation. 过滤防火墙使用包含在每一个请求中的定址信息决定是否允许操作。
  2. It possesses resistance to vibration, guard against theft, permissibility and bulletproof ability. 具有耐振性、防盗性、防爆性、防弹性。
  3. But it has the permissibility by law, especially, it is generally agreed that Encouragement of supplying opportunities is legitimate. 但其具有法律的容许性,尤其是提供机会型“诱惑侦查”一般为合法。
  4. "We are skeptical about this, for which special write about high teacher mailbox), color difference permissibility? ) color difference causes. 我们半信半疑,为此,特写信请教高老师信箱,)色差是否允许?)色差产生的原因。
  5. The veracity, agility and permissibility of the Chinese characters automatic recognition system always could not reach or approach to those of the mankind. 汉字自动识别系统始终无法达到或接近人类识别汉字的准确性、灵活性和容错性。
  6. One example is the permissibility of lawsuits against surgeons who make obvious mistakes during their surgeries, such as leaving sponges in a patients body. 一个例子是,允许起诉那些手术时犯明显的错误(如将海绵留在了病人体内)的外科医生。