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2024-01-30 12:12:16
美[pəmɪsəblɪ]  英[pəmɪsəblɪ]
adv.  得到许可地;获准地


  1. in a permissible manner


  1. Once become the good friend of the user permissibly, illegal element is met with " good friend " the identity demands money to other user. 一旦获准成为用户的好友,不法分子就会以“好友”的身份向其他用户索取钱财。
  2. This is the hacker repairs Yahoo arbitrarily permissibly first online system, the Yahoo that includes global popularity among them is free mailbox. 这是黑客首次获准任意修补雅虎在线系统,其中包括全球流行的雅虎免费邮箱。
  3. Final, gu Ge changed judicial think of a way, be in permissibly hand over user record to strengthen its before faceless sex. 最终,谷歌改变了法庭的想法,获准在交出用户记录以前加强其匿名性。
  4. This company already was managed permissibly from American government cross Atlantic line, waiting for the sanction that passes British government. 该公司已从美国政府获准经营跨大西洋航线,并正在等传英国政府的批准。
  5. Answer: The first time sale after new negotiable security appears on the market permissibly calls negotiable securities to issue. 答:新证券获准上市后的第一次销售称为证券发行。
  6. Results:We tested the same sample by different HPLC conditions of the CP permissibly and acquired different results.We found an unknown impurity in this sample by HPLC-PDA. 结果:同一批样品,在中国药典允许的调整范围内改变色谱条件,可以得出截然不同的结论,通过HPLC-PDA分析,发现是由于样品中有一未知杂质,按现行中国药典方法未得到分离,而依据现行判定方法造成误判所致。