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2024-01-30 12:31:17
美[pərɒrəl]  英[pəʊɔːrəl]
adj.  经过口的;口周围的


  1. There is no significant difference in inhibition between transdermal therapy and peroral therapy groups. 药物经皮吸收与口服在抗小鼠惊厥方面无明显差异。
  2. The utilization of transferrin as a carrier in peptide and protein peroral drug delivery is a promising approach. 转铁蛋白作为一种药物载体,在蛋白多肽药物的口服给药领域有着美好前景。
  3. Conclusion: The peroral liquid of diet Chinese herbal medicine has a good curative effect for childs pure fat. 结论:中药减肥口服液治疗儿童单纯性肥胖有较好的疗效。
  4. Objective To investigate the feasibility of the transformation of shuxiongpian from peroral dosage into cataplasm. 目的探讨舒胸片由口服剂型改为巴布剂剂型的可行性。
  5. Objective: To observe the clinical curative effect about peroral liquid of diet Chinese herbal medicine for childs pure fat. 摘要目的:观察中药减肥口服液治疗儿童单纯性肥胖的临床疗效。
  6. Objective:To observe the effects of Ganzheng peroral solution (Chinese Herbs compound) on precancerous lesions of liver in rats. 目的:观察肝疒徵口服液对大鼠肝癌前病变的预防作用。