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2024-01-30 13:05:17
美[peri]  英[peri]
n.  梨酒


  1. 梨酒
  2. 佩里(男子名)
  3. Matthew Calbraith Perry 佩里(1794-1858,美国海军军官,参与签订1854年美日贸易协定)
  4. Oliver Hazard Perry 佩里(1785-1819,美国海军军官)
  5. Ralph Barton Perry 佩里(1876-1957,美国哲学家、教育家)


  1. United States philosopher (1876-1957)
  2. United States admiral who led a naval expedition to Japan and signed a treaty in 1854 opening up trade relations between United States and Japan; brother of Oliver Hazard Perry (1794-1858)
  3. United States commodore who led the fleet that defeated the British on Lake Erie during the War of 1812; brother of Matthew Calbraith Perry (1785-1819)
  4. a fermented and often effervescent beverage made from juice of pears; similar in taste to hard cider


  1. The police watched Perry bring drugs to the fence. 警察看见佩里把毒品拿给买卖赃物的人。
  2. Mr. Perry had remonstrated with him about it. 关于这一点伯里先生还规劝过他。
  3. Except for Mr Lucas, Perry should be dead by now. 要是没有卢卡斯先生相救,佩里现在已经没命了。
  4. Except for Mr Lucas,Perry should be dead by now. 要是没有卢卡斯先生相救,佩里现在已经没命了。
  5. His name was Calbraith Perry Rodgers. 他的名字叫卡布瑞斯?罗杰斯,
  6. Perry: Lois. Hows the undercover work coming? 露易斯。卧底做得怎么样?