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2024-01-30 13:15:16
美[ˌpɜːsəvɪrənt]  英[ˌpəsɪvɪərənt]
adj.  能坚持的;锲而不舍的


  1. In blind error when I did persever. 我曾经走入迷途,不知返折。
  2. Good life favors those who are perseverant. “无冥冥之志者,无昭昭之明;
  3. He is perseverant and shoulders heavy responsibilities. 他矢志不移、任重道远。
  4. A nurse is a willow in spring, possessing graceful poise and perseverant will. 护士,是春天的杨柳,身姿袅娜,意志坚忍。
  5. Add your scores.The higher your score, the more perseverant you are. 将你所得的分数相加,分数越高,表明你的坚持力越强。
  6. You know, the tougher the environment, the more perseverant you are. 你知道环境越刻苦,也越使人奋发上进吗?