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2024-01-30 13:42:16
美[pɜːsənəltɪ]  英[pɜːsənəltɪ]
n.  动产;私人财产


  1. movable property (as distinguished from real estate)


  1. EXAMPLE: The bank did not consider personalty when assessing the worth of the borrower. 这家银行在评估借贷人资产时不将动产考虑在内。
  2. The parties may by contract determine the status of an object as a fixture or personalty. 当事人可以通过合同约定某物是动产或附属物。
  3. And the colleage life as well as the study purifies my personalty and cultivates my tastes. 大学生活的学习与成长更加磨练了我的意志,提高了我的修养!
  4. Jun-Zi is an ideal personalty type,and Xiao-Ren is the person who must be educated or cultivated. 一类是否定型的有待教化的人格类型,即小人一类。
  5. The ethic principles of aesthetic consciousness are personalty, prudential justice and benefit, fair and rational benefit. 对于生命科学技术的发展,审美意识指向的伦理准则是:人性原则,明辨义利原则和公平、公正与效益合理性原则;
  6. Many peoples Inner Critic makes an appearance early in life and is such a constant companion that its part of their personalty. 很多人在幼年时期便有了自我批评的倾向,之后这个声音便常伴他们左右,成了他们性格的一个部分。