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2024-01-30 13:56:16
美[pəspɪkjʊəs]  英[pəspɪkjʊəs]
adj.  明晰的;易懂的
  副词:perspicuously  名词:perspicuousness


  1. (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable;

    "writes in a limpid style" "lucid directions" "a luculent oration" "pellucid prose" "a crystal clear explanation" "a perspicuous argument"


  1. A.L.R. These are the symbols (or Verses) of the perspicuous Book. 艾列弗,俩目,拉仪。这些是明确的天经的节文。
  2. The most perspicuous physical characteristic of the porosity of a soil or rock matrix is its continuity. 岩土格架的孔隙率的最清晰的物理特性是它的连续性。
  3. The analysis of concepts is a matter of finding more perspicuous and complexity-revealing words. 对概念进行分析是一项有关寻找更加明白易懂和能揭示复杂性的词汇的问题。
  4. Such solutions were more manageable, more perspicuous, and more readily used for calculation. 这样的解,在计算中是更易于掌握的,更明白的,并且是更易于使用的。
  5. This article is to provide a perspicuous and direct survey on the data mining techniques from four classifictions based on the kinds of knowledge. 为了对数据采掘有一个比较清楚直观的了解,本文基于知识的种类将数据采掘分成四类,并在每一类中展现了一些有代表性的和比较新的技术。
  6. Do they not reflect? Their companion is not seized with madness: he is but a perspicuous warner. 难道他们没有思维吗?他们的同伴绝没有疯病,他只是一个坦率的警告者。