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2024-01-30 14:01:17
美[pə(ː)sweɪdəbl]  英[pə(ː)sweɪdəbl]
adj.  可说服的;可使相信的


  1. being susceptible to persuasion


  1. Capable of being persuaded;persuadable. 可以说服的;容易说服的
  2. Capable of being persuaded; persuadable. 可以说服的;容易说服的
  3. Sales managers are especially persuadable because they’re social and work on commission. 是的,知识来自于积累,经验是用高昂代价换来的。
  4. A common recognition on how advertisement plays its role is that it is a kind of persuadable art. “广告是一种说服艺术”一直以来是对广告发挥作用的一种通行的认识。
  5. We think it is persuadable with the positive test result with quarterly data from 1st quarter of 1999 to 4th quarter of 2004. 本文采用1999年一季度到2004年四季度的数据进行了实证检验,认为与实际经济运行是比较一致的。
  6. It demonstrates that the result obtained from this method is better than that from other methods.This result is more reasonable, more accurate and more persuadable. 由数据实证表明,用贝叶斯方法所得结果比一般方法更具合理性和可操作性,更有说服能力,取得了较好的效果!