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2024-01-30 14:14:16
美[ˌpɜːtɪnæsəti]  英[ˌpɜːtɪnæsəti]
n.  不屈不挠;固执;顽固


  1. persistent determination


  1. They are baffled with enemys pertinacity. 他们遭受到顽强的抵抗.
  2. Curing A Case of Extraordinarily Severe Burn Complicated with Pertinacity Severe Hyperglycemia. 救治特重度烧伤并发顽固性高血糖症一例报告。
  3. Thorn Grass, which stands for life and the spirit of pertinacity, is the only green color appears in the desert. 棘棘草是沙漠中唯一的绿色,是生命力的象征,是顽强的精神。
  4. Virus contagion possess six characteristics of universality?relier?adaptability?malicious?pertinacity and difficult to prevent etc. 病毒性传染病具有普遍性、依赖性、适应性、恶毒性、顽固性和难预防等六大特点。
  5. An expert problem solver must be endowed with two incompatible qualities -- a restless imagination and a patient pertinacity. 解题高手必然兼具两种看来很不协调的特质:好动的想像力与稳定的毅力。
  6. We have been striving for many years and steadily develop on spirits of pertinacity struggle, modern management, and exploitation aggressive thought. 展望未来,赛客公司将以密切围绕“品质、技术、服务、价格、款式、人性化、特色化”为营销核心,永不停步的进取、创新;