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2024-01-30 14:44:17
美  英
sp.  佩扎罗[意大利东部港市]


  1. The Rossonero midfielder was born on May 29, 1977 in Pesaro. 米兰中场于1977年5月29日生于佩萨罗。
  2. Book online the cheapest hotels in Pesaro - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Pesaro 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
  3. Nearby are the Modern Art Museum CaPesaro and the costume and Tissue Museum Palazzo Mocenigo. 酒店附近还有CaPesaro现代艺术博物馆和Palazzo Mocenigo博物馆。
  4. The midfielder was born in Pesaro on May 29, 1977, so it is best wishes from everyone at Milan Channel and ACMilan.com, and everyone involved at Milan. 这位中场球员于1977年5月29日出生在佩沙洛。这是**电视台、米兰官网和所有关心米兰的人送上的祝福。
  5. On his current good form, the midfielder from Pesaro added: It is a good period.I am enjoying it, but always with the team. 关于他现在的良好状态,这位来自彼萨罗的中场球员说:“这是一段美好的时期,我正在享受它,但是会一直跟着球队。