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2024-01-30 15:24:16
美[pətiːkɪəl]  英[pətiːkɪəl]
adj.  [医](伴有)瘀点的;(伴有)瘀斑的


  1. Here are petechial hemorrhages seen on the epicardium of the heart. 这是在心外膜看到的点状出血。
  2. "Petechial" bruising?I dont know if I pronounced that right. |淤青,撞伤?
  3. The extensive white matter petechial hemorrhages seen here are typical for fat embolism syndrome. 广泛的白质瘀点瘀斑是脂肪栓塞的典型表现。
  4. The skin of his face showed diffuse petechial hemorrhage, both eyelids were ecchymotic and severely edematous. 眼科检查发现严重结膜下血肿并视网膜水肿、脸部及眼皮红肿合并出血性红斑。
  5. Typically the skin lesions begin as petechial or small purpuric areas which gradually coalesce (see below). 典型的皮肤病损开始于淤点或小的紫斑并逐渐融合(如图)。
  6. Numerous petechial hemorrhages are produced by fat emboli to the brain, particularly in white matter. 该脑切面白色区域内的多灶性出血点是由脂肪栓塞引起的。