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2024-01-30 15:27:17
美[petɪələ]  英[petɪələ]
adj.  叶柄的;生在叶柄上的


  1. Petiolar modena, chief instrument 3 millimeter, without wool. 叶柄深 紫色,长仪3毫米,无毛。
  2. Herbs perennial, with thick caudex covered with petiolar remains of previous years, sometimes with slender rhizomes. 多年生草本,具厚为所覆盖第二年残余,有时纤细的具根状茎。
  3. A petiolar sheath. 叶柄上的叶鞘
  4. Rod is brawny, the diameter makes an appointment with 1 centimeter, by silver-colored gray nap, have apparent petiolar mark, old branch ash is brown, the surface is rough, without wool. 小枝粗壮,直径约1厘米,被银灰色绒毛,有明显的叶柄痕迹,老枝灰棕色,表面粗糙,无毛。
  5. stipular and petiolar scars prominent, pubescent, soon glabrous. 托叶和叶柄痕突出,短柔毛,不久无毛。
  6. Study on the relationship between cell size and chlorophyll content of Kandelia candel petiolar parenchyma cell and seawater salinity by flow cytometry 用流式细胞仪研究秋茄叶柄薄壁细胞大小及叶绿素含量与海水盐度的关系