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2024-01-30 15:38:17
美  英
n.  季戊炸药(季戊四醇)


  1. The PETN explosive is detonated by mini size laser driven flyer. 利用小型激光器驱动飞片技术成功起爆了PETN安全炸药。
  2. The desensitized explosive PETN film was prepared by physical vapour deposition (PVD) technology, and SEM was used to analyze the microstructure and grain size of PETN film. 摘要采用物理气相沉积(PVD)技术研制了钝化太安炸药薄膜,对薄膜的微观结构和颗粒粒度进行了分析,对颗粒粒度与薄膜爆轰波稳定传播临界尺寸的关系进行了探索。
  3. In this paper, the effect of B-based high-energy ignition composition transformation of combustion to explosion of PETN was studied. 文章研究了硼系高能点火药对PETN燃烧转爆轰的影响。
  4. The test data show that after the digesting in deacid agent, every specifications of the semifinished PETN can meet the regulations of the contract. 试验数据表明,粗品太安经除酸剂溶液煮洗后,各项指标全部达到合同规定,产品性能完全满足使用要求,可利用工厂现有设备进行批量生产。
  5. The desensitized explosive PETN film was prepared by physical vapour deposition(PVD) technology,and SEM was used to analyze the microstructure and grain size of PETN film. 采用物理气相沉积(PVD)技术研制了钝化太安炸药薄膜,对薄膜的微观结构和颗粒粒度进行了分析,对颗粒粒度与薄膜爆轰波稳定传播临界尺寸的关系进行了探索。
  6. YU Xian-han.The study of the crystallizing process of improving the bulk density of PETN[J].Chinese Journal of Explosives &Propellants: 2002,25(3): 37-39. [3]余咸旱.;提高太安堆积密度的结晶工艺研究[J]