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2024-01-30 15:47:17
美[ˌpetroʊkemɪstrɪ]  英[ˌpetrəʊkemɪstrɪ]
n.  石油化学;岩石化学


  1. It belong series of the alkaline basalt, and have character of island ocean in geochemistry and petrochemistry. 岩石化学、地球化学特征表明,该组火山岩属碱性玄武岩系列大西洋型(钠质类型),具洋岛特征。
  2. The data and graphs from petrochemistry and geochemistry approve that the tectonic setting is continental margin arc. 岩石化学及地球化学的各种参数和图解表明,其形成于陆缘岛弧环境。
  3. Methods Through the methods of petrochemistry and Rb, Sr, O, S isotope geology and inclusion research. 方法应用岩石化学及铷、锶、硫、氧等同位素地质及包裹体研究方法。
  4. Machinery, metallurgy and petrochemistry are the top three advantageous industries in Liaoning. 机械、冶金、石化是辽宁三大优势产业。
  5. Clean production in oil storage and transport system of petrochemistry were discussed. 介绍石油化工储运系统推行清洁生产的情况。
  6. Objective To study the effect of catalysis in petrochemistry on neurobehavioral functions of workers. 目的探讨石化催化作业对工人神经行为功能的影响。