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2024-01-30 15:48:16
美[petrəglɪf]  英[petrəʊglɪf]
n.  岩石雕刻


  1. a carving or line drawing on rock (especially one made by prehistoric people)


  1. Newspaper Rock Recreation Site offers a large petroglyph panel. 报纸岩娱乐区(Newspaper Rock Recreation Site)拥有一块巨大的岩石雕刻板。
  2. A petroglyph emerges from the sands of the Sahara in Chad. 这是非洲乍得境内撒哈拉大沙漠里的一块岩石画。
  3. It resembles a petroglyph of some sort more than it resembles the "usual" crop circle design. 与其说它像“普通的”麦田怪圈,不如说它有点像某种岩石雕刻。
  4. Upon landing, he drew a petroglyph on Second Mesa, showing a maiden riding in a wingless, dome-shaped craft. 当他落地后,他在第二块岩石平顶绘一岩石雕刻,显示一位少女(具有传说的“蝴蝶”发型)骑在一没有翅膀的、圆形飞行器上。
  5. The petroglyph signified the coming Day of Purification when the true Hopi will fly to other planets in "ships without wings. 岩石雕刻意味净化日子的来临,这个时候真正的霍皮人将会以“无翼船”飞向其它行星。
  6. One of The English heritage experts pointed out the petroglyph had been very popular in new-stone age, and till now, some 2500 year old one had been found from the ancient people. 英国遗产委员会一位专家指出,岩石雕刻在新石器时代非常流行,迄今也发现过2500年前古人留下来的岩石雕刻。