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2024-01-30 15:53:16
美[petrəʊɡræfɪkəl]  英[petrəʊɡræfɪkəl]
adj.  岩石学的(岩相学的)


  1. Based on theoretical and data analysis the petrographical parameters of Baosteel method of coal blend were determined. 在理论分析与实际相结合的基础上,确定了宝钢煤岩配煤的参数;
  2. Based on the petrographical analysis of key wells,log data is used to investigate sedimentary characters of early palaeozoic in Sulige area,Erdos basin. 以关键井岩相分析为基础,利用测井资料研究了鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格地区上古生界测井沉积特征。
  3. Based on the petrographical analysis of key wells, log data is used to lnvesugate sedimentary characters of early palaeozoic in Sulige area, Erdos basin. 以关键井岩相分析为基础,利用测井资料研究了鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格地区上古生界测井沉积特征。
  4. Petrographical,petrochemical and geochemical data show that the lavas of Byers Peninsula and Cape Shirreff and the dolerite at Siddons Point belong to calc alkaline series and with the characters of lower potassium and magnesium. 岩石化学和地球化学资料表明,百耳斯半岛熔岩、史莱夫角的橄榄玄武岩和西多斯角的粗玄岩等白垩纪火山岩基本属于钙碱性岩系并且具有低钾低镁的特点。
  5. The petrographical characteristics and sensitivities of reservoir cores are determined experimentally for two peripheral oil fields of relatively higher reserves as typial examples. 以储量相对较大的两个典型大庆外围油田为例,实验测定了油层岩心的岩相学特征和敏感性程度。
  6. The abnormal log responses to the beds were found after completion of Well M38.The stratigraphic horizons of abnormal intervals have been determined from log correlation and petrographical analyses. M38井在完井后发现其水平段异常测井响应特征,随后以测井资料为主要依据展开了一系列分析,通过测井对比及岩相分析落实了异常地层的层位归位问题。