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2024-01-30 15:59:17
美[ˌpetrəlɪfərəs]  英[petrəlɪfərəs]
adj.  产油的


  1. Plate tectonic analysis of petroliferous basins in China II. 中国板块构造和含油气盆地分析2。
  2. The analysis of Petroliferous basin is always a comprehensive topic. 盆地分析研究中流体输导系统的研究是一个重要的方面。
  3. This sag can be divided into two petroliferous systems, the high wax petroleum system and the normal one. 大民屯凹陷中可以划分为高蜡油油气系统和正常油油气系统两个含油系统。
  4. New method of recovery cali bration on newly-found proved reserves in Shengli petroliferous province. 胜利油区新增探明储量标定采收率的新方法
  5. The prediction and monitor technology of formation pres- sure in petroliferous basin. 南海北部含油气盆地地层压力预测与监控技术研究
  6. Countermeasures of EOR in low permeability oil reservoirs of Shengli petroliferous area. 胜利油区低渗透油藏提高采收率技术对策