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2024-01-30 16:40:16
美[piːefdiː]  英[piːefdiː]
n.  优先选用的


  1. And our quantity: 100-500 m PFD. 我们的数量:100-500米,齐备好原料,准备染
  2. PFD - Personal Flotation Device;a life preserver. Position Finding Device,位置测定位,测位仪[器];
  3. However, large remaining of PFD can lead to retina toxicity early. 但大剂量残留的PFD可使视网膜毒性较早发生。
  4. This paper presents a discrete Markov model for analyzing the PFD(avg). 该文提出了一种采用离散Markov模型定量计算PFD(avg)的有效方法。
  5. Process Simulation, Materials and Energy Balance Establishment and PFD design. 工艺流程模拟,物料与能量平衡的建立,和工艺流程图设计。
  6. Fig.3 Response of qp to PFD in control and Fe-deficient plants。? The left side is maize; the right side is soybean. 图3对照及缺铁植株光化学效率(p)光强的响应。左侧为玉米,右侧为大豆。