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2024-01-30 17:35:17
美  英
n.  法利赛主义;法利赛派;形式主义


  1. They eager for quick success and instant benefit and have strong pharisaism. 不同程度地存在着急功近利的倾向,形式主义严重。
  2. Therefore, the so-called Leifeng Spirit which is not what it used to be, at the right time and right place, becomes the symbol of pharisaism. 于是,那个所谓的“雷锋精神”,就在现在这个时候,成为了一种形式主义的符号,虽然它已经不是过去的那个雷锋精神了。
  3. " The words of Christ were an arraignment of the whole system of Pharisaism. 他声明:拉比们把自己的规条放在上帝的诫命之上,无异于抬举自己,贬低上帝。