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2024-01-30 19:19:17
美  英
n.  希腊的雕刻家


  1. ancient Greek sculptor (circa 500-432 BC)


  1. Forms that gentler phidias wrought. 温和的费迪阿斯做出的形状。
  2. Yes. It was directed by a famous carver Phidias. 是的.;它是在一个著名的雕刻师--斯的指导下进行的
  3. He brought together three unique artistic talents, Phidias the sculptor, and architects Ictinus and Callicrates. 他请来了三位不同凡响的艺术天才-雕刻家斐迪亚斯,建筑师艾士提努、卡利克拉提斯。
  4. In quoting results on the dimensions he states results due to Eudoxus, Phidias (his father), and to Aristarchus. 在古代希腊,思想是非常开放和自由的,阿基米德增经用球体模拟出过月食和日食。
  5. No one is too ordinary stone, to Phidias, in the hands of Michelangelos statue can become immortal. 平凡也无过于一块石头,到了菲狄亚斯、米开朗基罗的手里可以成为不朽的塑像。
  6. He was active in Athens in the time of Pericles, and was a contemporary of Phidias. 他在伯里克利(Pericles)统治时期活跃于雅典,与菲迪亚斯(Phidias)是同一时代的人。