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2024-01-30 19:36:16
美[fɪlætəlɪst]  英[fɪlætəlɪst]
n.  集邮家


  1. a collector and student of postage stamps


  1. He is a philatelist; part of his collection is rare sets of postage stamps of the Qing Dynasty. 他是一位集邮家。他藏品的一部分是罕见的套头的大清国邮票。
  2. Respected Primier ministre Dr.Helmut Kohl, I am a Chinese retired employee as well as a philatelist for many years. 如果从发信的时间排序,德国总理科尔是我的第一位对外国首脑的求签的对象,从明信片背面的信文中,你可以看出是相当粗糙。
  3. The program provides a wide range of features making it useful to the expert philatelist and novice alike. 由网友上传分享:StampPro is a Windows based United States stamp inventory and tracking program and much more.
  4. James was also an avid flag collector and member of NAVA, and a longtime philatelist. 注册以获得一个免费帐号,或登入(如果你已经是会员)。
  5. Above is a natural maximum card created by a philatelist in the 80s, which is a rather scarce maximum card created in the period. 这一枚80年代制作的自然极限片是一枚少见的马来西亚极限片。
  6. "The shape is closer to that of Crete than Cyprus although, to be fair, the designer does seem to have taken some artistic license with the other countries too," said Peter Geoffrey, a Dublin philatelist. 都柏林集邮家彼得·杰弗里说:"它的形状看上去不像塞浦路斯而更像克里特岛,尽管公平的说,邮票设计者确实也从艺术角度对其他国家的版图形状做了一些修改。