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2024-01-30 20:36:16
美  英
n.  脸;相貌


  1. 相貌
  2. <英口>脸
  3. 表情
  4. 面孔


  1. English illustrator of several of Dickens novels (1815-1882)
  2. the human face (`kisser and `smiler and `mug are informal terms for `face and `phiz is British)


  1. Theres a bandits phiz for you! 他那面孔,真象土匪。
  2. Joan doesnt say anything,replying him a sincere phiz. 贞德没有说话,只报以一个真诚的眼神。
  3. One day Old Stony Phiz set out on a visit to the valley where he was bor. 有一天,老石面出发了来到他出生的峡谷来访问。
  4. Returning to the text of the first volume edition of 1848 and featuring the original Phiz illustrations. 商品问答:本栏目仅解答针对本商品相关的问题,其他问题请到客服在线解答。
  5. Theres a bandits phiz for you!Id send him to the galleys on the strength of his face alone. 仅仅那副面孔已够使我把他送进监狱了。”
  6. And so much were they struck by it that throughout the country this famous gentleman was known by the name of Old Stony Phiz. 他们对此大受感动,竟使全国各地都知道这位著名的绅士叫老石面。