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2024-01-30 22:38:16
美[fɒsfiːn]  英[fɒsfiːn]
n.  [生理]压眼闪光;光幻视


  1. No phosphene or EER was observed in the eyes blind from various causes. 3. 在失明眼则不见电气刺激反应之波型。
  2. Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects. 正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像。
  3. Reading rates of normally sighted subjects were assessed and compared with the effects of window width,the number of gray levels,and phosphene refresh rate in the vision system. 通过仿真实验评估了窗口宽度、光幻视灰阶数以及光幻视刷新率3种因素对阅读工效的影响。
  4. Keywords prosthetic vision;optic nerve;phosphene;tactile board; 视觉假体;视神经;光幻视;触摸板;
  5. Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects 正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像。
  6. Keywords pressure phosphene;tonometer;noncontact tonometer;keratomileusis;laser in situ/methods; 压眼闪光;眼压计;非接触式眼压计;角膜磨镶术;激光原位/方法;