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2024-01-30 22:39:17
美[fɒsfɪd]  英[fɒsfɪd]
n.  磷化物


  1. Diffused red, gallium arsenide phosphide red. 功能应用: Discrete LED indicator.
  2. Comparative study on nitride and phosphide . 因此,较大的还原气空速易于形成较高的催化剂比表面积。
  3. Also may the calcium phosphide in broken bits ,the dolomit,and so on pearl ore. 还可细碎磷化钙、白云石、珍珠岩矿等。
  4. After purification,the total content of hydrogen sulfide with hydrogen phosphide are less 10ppM in the acetylene gas. 净化后的乙炔气中硫化氢、磷化氢含量总和小于10ppm,净化效果好,安全可靠,成本低,效益好,值得乙炔站推广。
  5. Application: Used in producing red phosphorus, phosphide and hot process phosphoric acid. 主要用途:用于生产红磷,磷化物,以及热法磷酸。
  6. Hypophosphatemia can be corrected by eliminating etiological factor and supplementing the phosphide. 由此得出结论,脓毒症患者易继发低磷血症。