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2024-01-30 23:20:17
美[foʊtɪks]  英[fəʊtɪks]
n.  光学


  1. Most marine plants can live only in the photic zone. 海洋植物多半只能生活在透光层里。
  2. Objective To establish retinal photic injury model of rat. 目的建立大鼠视网膜光损伤模型。
  3. A long-latency photic unit was noted in PO-AH region. 对光刺激的反应多数是短潜伏期的,只有一个是长潜伏期的。
  4. Bachelor Degree or above in Electrical, Electronic or Photics related subject. 大学本科或以上学历,主修电子、机械、光学等相关理工类专业;
  5. Keep track of what photic, adjustable surface and the darkened face. 不合清施陡不面、洋调不面和黑调不面。
  6. Last year in Germany found in different sportswater isopropylation photics tons of ketone (ITX) of microamounts. 去年在德国发现不同的饮料中有异丙基噻吨酮(ITX)的微量残余。