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2024-01-30 23:29:17
美[ˌfoʊtoʊbaɪɒlədʒɪ]  英[ˌfəʊtəʊbaɪɒlədʒɪ]
n.  光生物学


  1. New Techniques and their Applications in Photobiology and Photomedicine[J]. 引用该论文 刘桂强;孟耀勇.
  2. It points out that the measurement of the transpiration at present contains micrometeorology, photobiology and SPAC synthesis analogue. 指出目前蒸散耗水量的计算方法大致可以分为:微气象学法、植物生理学法、以及SPAC综合模拟法等。
  3. Influence by photobiology principle,instrument enhance blood cireulation and microcireulation. Stains absorb light and then plgment is weakencd. 利用光生物的原理,作用于皮肤,加快血液循环,及微循环,色素团在吸收光后分解淡化
  4. Dperez.Photochemical bleaching of chemical pulps catalyzed by titanium dioxide[J].Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry,1998 (115):73-80. 姚光裕.;用二氧化钛催化光降解制浆和造纸废水中木素[J]
  5. American Society for Photobiology (ASP) 美国光生物学学会
  6. Handbook of Photochemistry and Photobiology 光化学与光生物学手册