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2024-01-31 00:38:17
美[foʊtoʊgrəmetrɪk]  英[fəʊtəʊgrəmetrɪk]
adj.  摄影测量学的


  1. Services for conventional photogrammetric and mapping projects. 承接各类测绘项目。
  2. It researches and improves several key parts of photogrammetric technology. 这里对数字摄影测量中的若干关键技术进行了研究和改进。
  3. The Photogrammetric and Air Survey Section takes aerial photographs on a regular basis and for various purposes. 测绘处的摄影及航空测量小组,定期为不同目的拍摄照片。
  4. It provides photogrammetric mapping services for engineering design work, earthwork volume calculations, environmental studies and town planning work. 该小组为工程设计、土方工程体积计算、环保研究及城市设计提供摄影制图服务。
  5. It has both the accuracy, simplicity of photogrammetric calibration and the flexibility of self-calibration. 这种定标技术既具有摄影测量学定标算法的精确性、简单性又具有自定标算法的灵活性。
  6. It has both the accuracy of photogrammetric calibration and the flexibility of self-calibration. 该方法既具有摄影测量学的精确性,同时也具有自定标算法的灵活性。