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2024-01-31 01:09:16
美[ˌfoʊtoʊmʌltəˌplaɪə]  英[fəʊtəʊmʌltɪplaɪə]
n.  光电倍增器


  1. A photomultiplier can amplify the signal to detectable levels. 光电倍增管可将此讯号放大到可侦测的程度。
  2. An optical fiber transports the light to the photomultiplier. 光纤传输光线到光电倍增管。
  3. A well-regulated power supply provides the voltage for the photomultiplier. 一个高度稳定的电源供给光电倍增管所需要的高压。
  4. Response of photomultiplier tube to 14 MeV pulse neutron irradiation[J]. 引用该论文 陈亮;欧阳晓平;张忠兵;张国光;张建福;张显鹏.
  5. A well-regulated power supply provides the high voltage for the photomultiplier. 一个高度稳定的电源供给光电倍增管所需要的高压。
  6. These scintillations can be counted by means of a photomultiplier tube and associated electrical devices. 可以用一种光电倍加管以及相应电子装置对这些闪光进行记数。