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2024-01-31 01:45:16
美[ˌfoʊtoʊrɪsepʃən]  英[ˌfəʊtəʊrɪsepʃən]
n.  [生理]光感受;感光( 作用)
sp.  视觉.


  1. The system adopts single-chip as the core unit to realize automatic control over photoreception, telecontrol and voice. 本系统采用了单片机作为核心器件实现对光感、遥控、语音的自动控制。
  2. It suggests that type 1 rhodopsins gave the birth to all GPCRs and type 2 rhodopins managed to retrieve the lost function of photoreception. 这暗示1型视紫红质是所有的G蛋白偶联的受体的祖先,并且2型视紫红质在进化过程中捡回了曾经丢失的感光能力。
  3. photoreception; 光感受;
  4. extraretinal photoreception [化] 网膜外光感受
  5. entaetinal photoreception 网膜外光感受