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2024-01-31 01:51:16
美[foʊtoʊrɪzɪstəns]  英[fəʊtəʊrɪzɪstəns]
n.  光敏电阻(光导层)


  1. Study on Process of Water-soluble Printing Photoresist. 水性印花感光制版材料的研究。
  2. Thereafter, the patterned photoresist layer is removed. 此后,移除图案化光刻胶层。
  3. This paper introduces a chemically amplified photoresist appropriate for argon ion laser direct imaging. 本文介绍一种氩离子激光直接成像化学增幅感光树脂。
  4. In this study, ozonized water in the single wafer processor was used to study photoresist stripping. 本文主要研究臭氧水在单片晶圆旋式蚀刻机中,来去除晶圆表面的光阻的能力。
  5. The groove width is reduced by employing a slope-etching process to form the photoresist pattern. 通过采用倾斜蚀刻工艺形成光致抗蚀剂图案,从而减小了凹槽的宽度。
  6. Main factors of influencing photoresist thickness for dip coating is analysed in this paper. 分析了提拉法涂胶中影响胶膜厚度的主要因素,并据此确定出胶膜厚度;