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2024-01-31 02:33:17
美[ˌfoʊtoʊtaɪpˌsetə]  英[fəʊtəʊtaɪpsetə(r)]
n.  [印]照相排字机;照相排版机


  1. Composes, makes-up, imposes, assembles, proofs and corrects type in metal or by manual or computer phototypesetter. 以金属字粒或手动或电脑排照机排字、拼版、制版、组版、打样及修改工作。
  2. Derect entry phototypesetter A small phototypesetting system which is self-contained, having its own keyboard, CPU and output device. 直接印纹版小型柯式机的印版,用纸加上涂层而成。
  3. Derect entry phototypesetter: A small phototypesetting system which is self-contained, having its own keyboard , CPU and output device. 直接印纹版:小型柯式机的印版,用纸加上涂层而成。
  4. Second-generation phototypesetter A computer aided phototypesetting system using flash tube as the light source and a rotating film matrix for exposing the film or paper. 第二代照排机电脑辅助的照相排字系统。它用闪光管作光源,把旋转中的菲林字母板上的字体影排队于菲林或相纸上。
  5. This paper describes a phototypesetter with four scanning laser beams.There are four He-Ne Lasers and four acousto-optic modulators in the phototypesetter. 本文介绍了四束激光扫描照排机,照排机内安装有四支氦氖激光器及四个声光调制器。
  6. Third-generation phototypesetter: Fully computerized phototypesetting system which uses digital fount and cathode ray tubes to generate the typographical images and expose the film. 第三代照排机:全电脑化的照相排字系统。它采用数码字体,用阴极射线管传发图文影像,并把菲林曝光。