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2024-01-31 02:48:16
美[ˌfreɪzɪəlɒdʒɪkəl]  英[ˌfreɪzɪəlɒdʒɪkəl]
adj.  措辞上的;语法上的


  1. Ji has no material meaning but accessional meanings and phraseological functions. “唧”一般不表示具体的意义,但有某种附加意义和语法作用。
  2. Besides I"m discussing that notional means configurable characteristic phraseological function and rhetorical characteristic of word of description. 并对描述语的表义方法、结构特点、语法功能、修辞特点等进行阐发。
  3. Discussion About Features of Amendment to Copyright Law Judging From Its Phraseological Alteration 从文字用语的修改看著作权法修正案的突出特点
  4. Phraseological Symbol 语词符号
  5. phraseological dictionary 熟语词典