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2024-01-31 02:53:17
美[frɪætɪk]  英[frɪætɪk]
adj.  井的(凿井取得的;地下水的)


  1. of or relating to ground water


  1. The segment of the boundary above the water table and below the phreatic surface is called the seepage face. 水面以上和潜水面以下的一段边界叫做渗出面。
  2. In this case, pore pressures are zero above the phreatic surface and the air phase is considered as passive. 对后一种情况,孔压在浅层地下水面以上为零,气压为负。
  3. The code handles both fully saturated flow, as well as flow in which a phreatic surface develops. 该计算模块既能处理饱和流,也能处理浅层地下水面的非饱和流。
  4. In the seepage theory, the current expression of boundary condition on phreatic surface is aimed at a kind of seepage. 渗流理论中现有的潜水面边界条件表达式是针对特定方向的一类潜水渗流问题而给出的。
  5. The pore-space water in loosening rocks mainly distributed in ravine and depression, is mainly phreatic water. 松散岩类孔隙水主要分布于沟谷和洼地,主要为潜水。
  6. The variation characteristics of shallow confined groundwater are similar with phreatic water. 浅层承压水含水组的地下水质变化特征和潜水基本一致。