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2024-01-31 03:10:16
美[θɪzɪk]  英[θaɪsɪk]
n.  肺结核
adj.  有肺结核的


  1. A phthisic stands 10 feet tall and weighs 570 pounds. 消耗者高约10英尺,重570磅。
  2. A phthisic is a repressed neurosis wrenched from the subconscious mind to walk the world in living, breathing flesh. 消耗者是种被压抑的精神恶疾,由潜意识扭曲而成并以活生生的血肉之身行走于人间。
  3. Born of a damaged mind, a phthisic constantly craves the sweet nectar of sanity to sooth its mental torment, if only for a while. 诞生于残破的心智中的消耗者总是渴望用心智健全者甜美的思维之露来缓解自己的精神痛苦,即使只是一小会。
  4. A phthisic is initially drawn from a troubled psyche via an unknown psionic power, possibly a twisted version of psychic chirurgery. 消耗者最初是由一种未知的心灵异能(可能是“心灵手术”的某种错误版本)所造成的混乱心智中产生的。
  5. Method To select 100 cases of barely phthisic patients from hospitals in Xi an randomly and survey the pertinent social factors,then make regression multianalysis. 方法随机抽取西安市各大医院共100例新发肺结核病人并调查相关的社会因素,然后做多元逐步回归分析。
  6. M ethods to divide our hospitals lunger of recent years who have difficul t and p ositive phlegm smear phthisic into two groups(check group and cure group) and pr ocess random analysis. 方法:对我院近年来难治性肺结核、痰涂片阳性病人随机分为两组(对照组和治疗组)。对照组化疗方案相同,治疗组加用卷曲霉素,观察疗效。