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2024-01-31 03:52:17
美[ˌfɪzɪætrɪks]  英[ˌfɪzɪætrɪks]
n.  物理疗法


  1. therapy that uses physical agents: exercise and massage and other modalities


  1. According to the interview of Ming Weekly, Liza Je will take a rest about half a year, to recuperate her body esp her knee.Everyday she need to take physiatrics...swimming and so on... 从今期明周专访中,得知您要休息几个月,调理身体,医好脚伤-天天做物理治疗,又要游水真的希望您能彻底医好脚患,医好身体,开开心心,健康快乐!!
  2. field-effect physiatrics instrument 场效应理疗仪
  3. The study of physiatrics in the aged bedsore patients with serious diseases 老年危重患者压疮的物理治疗研究
  4. Keywords Millimeter microwave physiatrics;otorhinolaryngological disease; 毫米波疗法;耳鼻喉科疾病;
  5. Clinical Observation on 350 Cases of Articular Genu Osteoarthritis Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Physiatrics 中药配合物理疗法防治结合治疗膝关节骨性关节炎350例临床总结