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2024-01-31 04:39:17
美[ˌfaɪtoʊdʒiːɒgrəfiː]  英[faɪtəʊdʒɪɒgrəfɪ]
n.  植物地理学
  形容词:phytogeographical  名词:phytogeographer


  1. Taxonomy and phytogeography of Chiogenes Salisbury. 伏地杜鹃属的分类与分布.
  2. Taxonomy and phytogeography of the Scrophulariaceae of Mount Omei. 峨眉玄参科之分类与地理.
  3. Notes on the phytogeography of the Euphorbiaceae of Taiwan. 台湾大戟植物之地理分布.
  4. Taxonomy and phytogeography of Taiwanese pteridophytes. 论台湾的蕨类植物及其地理亲缘关系.
  5. Phytogeography of resources of forage grasses in China. 中国禾本科牧草资源的分类、地理与利用.
  6. The ecological phytogeography and origin of the Araceae. 天南星科的生态地理和起源.