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2024-01-31 06:00:17
美[pɪkɔːf]  英[pɪkɒf]
n.  以牵制球使出局


  1. Hes had a great pickoff move for years. 当他的球压不下来时他就麻烦大了。
  2. The error pickoff is an angle-to-voltage transducer. 误差检测器是把角度转换为电压的传感器。
  3. The most widely used single-axis inductive pickoff is the microsyn. 最广泛应用的单轴感应式信号传感器是微动同步器。
  4. The error pickoff is an angle-to-voltage transducer . 误差检测器是把角度转换为电压的传感器。
  5. The limit stop must be able to protect the pickoff if the plates are driven together with an appreciable force. 当两板受很大的力被迫接近时,制动销应能保护信号传感器使不受损坏。
  6. The electrolyte would also be changed by the electroplating process and would cause the pickoff to give erroneous results. 在电镀过程中,电解液也将随着改变,从而会使信号传感器给出错误的结果来。