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2024-01-31 07:13:16
美[pɪrsɪŋ]  英[pɪəsɪŋ]
adj.  尖锐的;刺耳的;刺骨的;穿透的
sp.  动词pierce的现在分词形式.


  1. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions;

    "an acute observer of politics and politicians" "incisive comments" "icy knifelike reasoning" "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang" "penetrating insight" "frequent penetrative observations"

  2. painful as if caused by a sharp instrument;

    "a cutting wind" "keen winds" "knifelike cold" "piercing knifelike pains" "piercing cold" "piercing criticism" "a stabbing pain" "lancinating pain"


  1. A piercing mournful wail cut through the air, as if intent on tormenting the weak of heart.一阵尖锐的、凄惨的叫声在空中盘旋了一阵,好像故意在绞痛这些人的脆弱的心。
  2. All of a sudden a piercing scream broke the silence.突然,刺耳的尖叫声打破了寂静。
  3. The piercing wind fanged his ears.刺骨的寒风吹得他耳朵疼痛。
  4. The fighters walked on against the piercing wind.战士们冒着刺骨的寒风前进。
  5. Even their heavy fur-lined coats could net keep out the piercing cold.甚至他们的厚毛皮里大衣也挡不住刺骨的寒冷。
  6. He has a pair of bright piercing eyes.他的一双眼睛炯炯发光。
  7. I have a piercing pain when I eat something sour.当我吃酸东西时就会刺痛。