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2024-01-31 07:14:17
美[pɪəsɪŋli]  英[pɪəsɪŋli]
adv.  刺透地;感动地


  1. extremely and sharply;

    "it was bitterly cold" "bitter cold"

  2. in a shrill voice;

    "she sang rather shrilly"


  1. The weather remained piercingly cold. 天气依旧彻骨地寒冷。
  2. The seawater was piercingly cold. 海水冰冷刺骨。
  3. The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass, gooseberries and kiwifruit. 2007年的葡萄酒有着新鲜的青草味,黑醋栗味和猕猴桃的马博罗的香味。
  4. The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass gooseberries and kiwifruit. 2007年的这款葡萄酒有着新鲜的青草味,醋栗味和马博罗的猕猴桃香味。
  5. That has been that one kind is noisy but piercingly cold , has been full of dreadful sound. 那是一种喧嚣而凛冽的,充满了恐惧的声音。
  6. Unexpectedly, through the darkness shot a pair of piercingly bright, glowing green eyes. 突然两道亮光刺破黑暗,它们来自一对发亮的绿眼。