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2024-01-31 09:53:16
美[pɪntʃˌpenɪ]  英[pɪntʃˌpenɪ]
adj.  吝啬的


  1. If saving is a sin, dissaving must be a virtue; and in any case he is simply making up for the harm being done by the saving of his pinchpenny brother Benjamin. 如果储蓄是一种罪过,不储蓄当然就是一种美德;而且,无论如何,他这么做不过是为了补偿吝啬鬼弟弟本杰明由于储蓄给社会带来的种种损害。
  2. and in any case he is simply making up for the harm being done by the saving of his pinchpenny brother Benjamin. 而且,无论如何,他这么做不过是为了补偿吝啬鬼弟弟本杰明由于储蓄给社会带来的种种损害。
  3. a pinchpenny economy. 经济拮据