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2024-01-31 10:19:17
美[pɪŋər]  英[pɪŋə(r)]
n.  研初海流用声脉冲发送器(声波发射器)


  1. a pulse generator used for echo sounding in sonar


  1. PingER End-to-end active measurement using ping to monitor end-to-end performance of Internet links. 端到端的主动测量,使用ping来监测端到端的网络链接的行为。
  2. She orderedPinger to fetch the keys to the upstairs rooms and find trustworthy people to deliver the screen. "因命平儿拿了楼房的钥匙;传几个妥当人抬去.;"
  3. She sent Pinger for the package of silver and a string of cash and presented these to the old woman. "只命平儿把昨儿那包银子拿来;再拿一吊钱来;都送到刘姥姥的跟前.;"
  4. "Pinger and Mrs.Zhou stood up at once, telling Granny Liu to wait till she was sent for. "周瑞家的与平儿忙起身;命刘姥姥""只管等着;是时候我们来请你.
  5. She ordered Pinger to fetch the keys to the upstairs rooms and find trustworthy people to deliver the screen. "因命平儿拿了楼房的钥匙;传几个妥当人抬去.;"
  6. However,because of the special social status Pinger cannot get rid of the shackles of the feudal society,which leads to her tragic life. 但是,特有的社会地位使她仍然无法挣脱封建社会的桎梏,令其一生不免带有悲剧性意味。