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2024-01-31 10:30:17
美  英
n.  <美俚>私人侦探(尤指受雇于平克顿全国侦探事务所的侦探)


  1. Pinkerton is back, her love is triumphant. 平克顿回来了,她的爱情胜利了。
  2. Pinkerton is overcome by his memories. 平克顿见景生情,回忆起往事,不能自己。
  3. Pinkerton and the Consul knock at the door and enter. 平克顿和领事敲门进来。
  4. The mere thought of his bride moves Pinkerton to raptures. 一想起新娘,平克顿不禁心花怒放。
  5. A catastrophe is imminent unless Pinkerton returns soon. 要是平克顿不马上回来,大祸就要临头。
  6. "Send Miss Sedley instantly to me," said Miss Pinkerton. 平克顿小姐答道:“立刻叫赛特笠小姐到我这儿来。”