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2024-01-31 11:13:17
美[pɪnˌʌp]  英[pɪnʌp]
adj.  钉在壁上的;适宜钉在壁上装饰的;受欢迎的
n.  钉在墙上的东西;美女照片


  1. As the skirt was too long,she had to pinup the hem. 因为裙子太长,她只得把裙摆别起来。
  2. As the skirt was too1ong,she had to pinup the hem. 因为裙子太长,她只得把裙摆别起来。
  3. Picture chaining: ( OK the pinup picture? 图片链接:(如何贴图?
  4. The old auto shop was filled with pinup girls. 那家老汽车店里到处都是(性感的)美女招贴画。
  5. As the skirt was too 1ong, she had to pinup the hem. 因为裙子太长,她只得把裙摆别起来。
  6. The wall of his dormitory room is covered with sexy pinup. 他宿舍的墙上贴满性感的裸女画报。