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2024-01-31 12:16:17
美[pəroʊg]  英[pɪrəʊg]
n.  独木舟


  1. a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log


  1. We gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou. 划着小船儿,我们去下游啦!
  2. Settle down far from town get him a pirogue. 远远离开城镇,给他一支木筏。
  3. He gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou. 他必须离去,驾驶小船驶下密西西比河。
  4. Pole the pirogue down the bayou. 驾驶小船驶下密西西比河。我的老天。
  5. The successive discoveries including the ancient relic cities on the Chengdu plain, the jinsha Relic and the large pirogue coffin relic have traced the urban civilization up to 4500 years. 本文认为成都不是如过去所说的只有2300多年的城市文明史,成都平原古城群和金沙遗址、大型船棺群遗址的先后发现,把成都城市的历史上推到距今4500多年前。
  6. He gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou 他得把独木舟撑到河中