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2024-01-31 13:02:16
美[pɪtʃər]  英[pɪtʃə(r)]
n.  水罐;[棒球]投手;[植]瓶状叶


  1. 一壶的量
  2. 【高尔夫】七号铁头球棒
  3. 【植】瓶状体
  4. 【植】瓶状叶
  5. 有柄的大水罐
  6. 柄盂
  7. 【棒】投手
  8. 投装的人
  9. 装煤人
  10. 铺路石
  11. 投掷者
  12. 带柄的陶罐
  13. 棒球
  14. 水壶
  15. 一满水罐


  1. (baseball) the person who does the pitching;

    "our pitcher has a sore arm"

  2. an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring
  3. the quantity contained in a pitcher
  4. (botany) a leaf that that is modified in such a way as to resemble a pitcher or ewer
  5. the position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit;

    "he has played every position except pitcher" "they have a southpaw on the mound"


  1. The pitcher contains enough water for all of us.那水罐可容纳足够我们全体饮用的水。
  2. If you would be busy and fill your pitcher,come,O come to my lake.如果你忙着要把水罐灌满,来吧,到我的湖边来吧。
  3. The pitcher retired three batters.这个棒球投手使三个击球手出局。
  4. But even in victory, another pitcher was lost.虽然赢了球,却失去了另一位投手。
  5. The insect is trapped and drowns in the water and digestive juices at the bottom of the pitcher.昆虫被围困,淹没在瓶状叶底部的水和消化液里。
  6. In Borneo and Malaysia, the Nepenthes pitcher plant traps insects using a jug-shaped attachment, or pitcher, at the end of its leaves.在婆罗洲和马来西亚,忘忧瓶子草用它叶子末端水壶状的部位或瓶状叶吸引着昆虫。